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Magna Mens 26"
Echo Ridge
Magna Mens 26" Echo Ridge

This is currently sold at:

This product has some cool facts like:
Photography Credits: Beth Langdale, Steve Douglas, Ashley Favata and Hannah Tran
Video Credits: XXXX
4.5 star rating on
This product was designed as a team with the help of Britney Prince and Michele Mitchell
Bike Features:
Front fork shock
18 speed index shifting
Front and rear linear pull brake

Photography Credits: Beth Langdale, Steve Douglas, Ashley Favata and Hannah Tran
Video Credits: XXXX

This product was designed as a team with the help of Britney Prince and Michele Mitchell.
This product has some cool facts like:
Photography Credits: Beth Langdale, Steve Douglas, Ashley Favata and Hannah Tran
Video Credits: XXXX

Tony Hawk Boys 20" Jargon
Project Brief
Creating a unique and stand out product using branded artwork provided by our Licensor Tony Hawk. Using market trend research to inspire the overall design direction of the product.
Market Research
Graphic Design
Logo Design
Production Sheet

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